lunedì 3 giugno 2013
Action verbs
(work in progress)
Another video
Another video for you. This is an exam (Trinity, grade 2)
Ma ricorda che è una conversazione e le domande sono sempre diverse ogni volta! Esercitati a rispondere.
Ecco le domande
Greetings (What's your name? How are you? How old are you? My birthday is in July.When is it yours?)
Where do you live? Do you live in a house or in a flat?
Describe your house. How many rooms are there in your house?
(Looking at a picture) What's this one?
Do you have a kitchen?
Tell me about your bedroom. What is it in your bedroom?
Do you have any toys?
Who lives in your house?
And how old is your mother?
(looking at a picture) What's this? Where is 41, 39, 27?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any good friends? Tell me about one friend.
Look at my friend Bob. Where is Bob? (It's in the box, ecc)
Take the pen. Put it next to the clock.
(Looking at some pictures) Look at these pictures. What are they doing? What is he doing?
Is he washing? Is she sleeping? Is she dancing? Is she sitting in a chair?
Thank you. Good bye.
Ma ricorda che è una conversazione e le domande sono sempre diverse ogni volta! Esercitati a rispondere.
Ecco le domande
Greetings (What's your name? How are you? How old are you? My birthday is in July.When is it yours?)
Where do you live? Do you live in a house or in a flat?
Describe your house. How many rooms are there in your house?
(Looking at a picture) What's this one?
Do you have a kitchen?
Tell me about your bedroom. What is it in your bedroom?
Do you have any toys?
Who lives in your house?
And how old is your mother?
(looking at a picture) What's this? Where is 41, 39, 27?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any good friends? Tell me about one friend.
Look at my friend Bob. Where is Bob? (It's in the box, ecc)
Take the pen. Put it next to the clock.
(Looking at some pictures) Look at these pictures. What are they doing? What is he doing?
Is he washing? Is she sleeping? Is she dancing? Is she sitting in a chair?
Thank you. Good bye.
domenica 2 giugno 2013

Qui puoi vedere alcuni esempi di esami grade 2 (Trinity). Ma ricorda di esercitarti: gli esami sono un poco più difficili di come appaiono qui. Here you can watch some videos. There are two exams.
Here are the questions.
Ecco le domande. Come risponde Dathri? Come risponderesti tu? Esercitati!
Hello. Come in. Hello. My name is Alex. What's your name?
How old are you?
Today, what is the day today?
Is it Saturday, today?
Where do you live?
Do you live in a house or flat?
How many bedrooms are in your house?
Tell me about your bedroom. What is it in your bedroom?
Is there a computer in your bedroom?
Is there a television in your bedroom?
Is there a television in your house? Where is it?
Here it's a house. Is this a kitchen? And this room? and this room? (pointing to different rooms)
Who lives in your house with you?
How old is your father?
So, he is 36 years old (pointing to 44)
What number is this? (pointing to different numbers from 1 to 50)
Who is your best friend? Tell me about her.
Does she have long hair?
Have you got any pets?
I have a pet. I have a pet dog. This is my dog. Its name is ...Tell me about my dog.
Is my dog sleeping?
This is your pen. Is it mine?
This is my clock. Where is my pen?
Put my pen besides the clock / in front of / under the clock.
(Looking at a picture) Here there are some people. She is swimming? Is he swimming? Is he listening to music?
(Dathri describes what other people are doing)
The boy, is he running?
Here are some animals. Touch a big animal, a small animal, a beautiful animal
Is this a cat?
Do you have a question for me?
Thank you very much. Good bye.
Another video for you ...Ascolta con attenzione le domande. Quali errori fa la piccola Ana?
Cerca di rispondere in maniera più completa alle domande che fa l'esaminatore: non ti limitare a dire solo Yes or No, ma usa le short answers e dai informazioni aggiuntive. Ricordati: è una conversazione. Più parli, più dimostri di conoscere la lingua inglese. ;)
sabato 1 giugno 2013
Possible questions grade 1-3
Here there are some possible questions to practise your speaking. Remember: the questions are about grade 1-2-3 of the Trinity exam! Click on the presentation.
Qui trovi alcune delle possibili domande sugli argomenti che dovresti conoscere. Ricorda che le domande vanno dal livello 1 a quello 3 del Trinity exam. Clicca sulle frecce per avviare la presentazione. Esercitati a rispondere.
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